
Hi! I’m Pam.

This blog is a record of the renovation of my house, from a draughty, cold old-fashioned building to a modern eco-home.

All of us want our planet to survive, even if some of us don’t act like it. Many of us are concerned about the environment, but sometimes we don’t know what to do to make a difference. I was like that a few years ago, while living in London – I was doing all I could to try to live an eco life, but it never felt enough. So if you feel like that, I understand! In preparation for rebuilding my old Cotswold cottage as a modern eco-home, I have learned so much and I am now excited to share with you.

I’m not some special sort of eco-warrior. I am just a regular person like you. I work as a designer, specialising in printed designs, mainly for fabric but also for greetings cards and wrapping paper.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. I have been asked to write something about your project for the Chippy News. The deadline is 12th August. Could you call me on 01608643635, so we can discuss the next step


    1. Hello Richard, I am pleased you want to write something about this project, and I look forward to meeting you tomorrow to take a look at the site and get a few photos for your article.


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